What Is A Carbon Footprint?

image of a home reducing carbon footprint

Many ask “What Is A Carbon Footprint?”. Simply put, it is the amount of carbon dioxide or CO2 that’s released during the burning of fossil fuels. Everyday actions such as using your car, heating or cooling your home, turning on the electricity, and others all produce carbon emissions. However, even though many of these activities are essential at times, the issue is that the resulting gases wind up being trapped within the atmosphere. This is ultimately the cause of both global warming and climate change.

Fortunately, Hart Home Comfort is well aware of the need to both slow and reverse climate change by offering the right fuel sources to help lower our collective carbon footprint. We’re aware of how our daily routine is negatively affecting the environment? So, what are the ways to lower carbon emissions without having to forgo many of the modern conveniences that we all enjoy?

Explore The Benefits Of EcoBlend Heating Oil Call To Order Fuel: (631) 667-3200

Strategies For Reducing Carbon Emissions

In this article, we will go over some of the different approaches that can be used to create more environmentally friendly habits as you carry out everyday activities.

Choose EcoBlend Bioheat® Heating Oil

In the eastern U.S., numerous businesses and households rely on home heating oil to keep them warm during the winter months. Some companies and consumers actually use it year-round for hot water production. Even though the heating oil of today produces far fewer carbon emissions than heating oil once did, #2 fuel oil is still responsible for the emission of CO2 gases into the environment.

The Providence Resolution

The Providence Resolution and its implementation have mandated that heating oil reduce its effects on the environment. Hart Home Comfort proudly holds the position of being a heating oil company that is fully in support of this initiative. Moreover, we are leading the charge for environmentally friendly changes within the heating industry.

The Providence Resolution was adopted in 2019 and states that the oil industry must be net neutral or carbon neutral by 2050. At this time, using heating oil won’t release any CO2 gases into the air so that carbon neutrality can be achieved. This is an amazing move forward taken by the heating oil industry in an effort to implement more environmentally conscious business practices.

Customers of Hart Home Comfort are already enjoying the benefits of our stance on this issue given that they are currently receiving EcoBlend heating oil. Climate change is something that we take very seriously and we’ve positioned ourselves as leaders in the area by offering Bioheat® fuel to our customers. This fuel is a pure blend of biodiesel and #2 fuel oil and comes at no additional cost.

Home Heating: How You Can Do Your Part

eco blend heating oil

For those living in Nassau County, Suffolk County, and Queens, New York, who aren’t currently working with Hart Home Comfort, you can start doing your part to protect the natural environment by opting to get your heating oil from us.

Using EcoBlend Bioheat® heating oil helps reduce CO2 emissions and in turn, it also lowers your carbon footprint. More importantly, there is no need to upgrade any heating equipment that you currently own as EcoBlend heating oil is fully compatible with the system that you’re using right now. When you work with Hart Home Comfort, this change won’t require you to spend more than you would on traditional heating oil for your home. You simply need to call us today to get started using this more eco-friendly fuel source. Call today to schedule an oil delivery!

Call Today: (631) 667-3200

Start Driving Less And Walking Or Biking More

Driving around in a car is a convenience that many of us truly love. In reality, however, many of the places that we drive to are actually within comfortable walking distances. If you want to go somewhere that you cannot easily walk to, think about taking a bike ride instead. Rather than automatically reaching for car keys, take a walk or jump on your bike. This is a decision that will reduce your carbon footprint, save you cash, and give you the chance to get some exercise in. If taking your bike or going for a walk isn’t an option, you can always create a carpool or use the public bus system. These strategies reduce the number of cars on the road and the amount of exhaust that these cars release into the natural environment.

Get Your Food Locally

eat local to reduce carbon footprint

When you eat seasonal food, you are also eating locally grown foods. This is a very effective way to lower CO2 emissions. If you buy the majority of your food locally, you will be reducing the amount of time that this food spends on transport in a distribution truck. This obviously reduces the number of exhaust fumes being released into the atmosphere and is far better for the environment.

You also have the option of picking up the “Meatless Monday” trend where you only eat vegetarian dishes on Mondays. Eating meals that are plant-based lower greenhouse gasses including CO2 emissions. Setting up a compost area for your produce scraps will keep these things out of the garbage. You should also be sure to take your reusable grocery bags with you when heading out to the local farmer’s market or a nearby grocery store.

Learn More About The Benefits Of EcoBlend Heating Oil Schedule A Heating Oil Delivery: (631) 667-3200

Practice Water Conservation

Water can be conserved in a great number of ways. There is a finite amount of water in this world and so, using less of this precious resource is an important way to protect the environment. Some of the steps you can take are:

  • Shut the water off whenever you brush your teeth
  • Don’t use disposable water bottles, carry a reusable one instead
  • Don’t flush trash down your toilet
  • Shorten your showers by using a timer
  • Have your entire home fitted with water-conserving appliances
  • Start your washing machine or dishwasher only when they have full loads
  • Rather than using hot or warm water in your washing machine, use cold.
  • Cover the areas around all plants and trees with a layer of mulch
  • Instead of lightly watering your lawn, deep-soak it

You can conserve water with the tips above. These tips are also very easy to employ. Start practicing them as a way to limit your impact on the environment while additionally saving more of your hard-won cash!

Start Lowering Your Electricity Use

By using less electricity, you can minimize your carbon footprint. This is something that you can do in various ways.

  • When you exit a room be sure to turn off the lights
  • Start using a programmable thermostat in your home
  • Install more efficient appliances
  • Make sure that all appliances, doors, and windows throughout the building have tight seals
  • Install quality insulation in your home
  • Shop for LED or fluorescent bulbs that have an Energy Star label
  • When you aren’t using your electrical devices, unplug them
  • Have a professional tune your HVAC system up
  • Have a home energy audit performed
Call To Schedule A Heating System Tune-Up: (631) 667-3200

Put The 5 R’s Into Practice

You can also do your part by practicing the 5 R’s below:

  • Refuse: Never use products that aren’t actually needed. As an example, rather than using harsh chemical cleaners, choose natural cleaners
  • Reduce: Donate anything that you aren’t using or do not need. Also, only shop for essential items.
  • Reuse: Instead of purchasing and using disposable products, buy things that can be reused on an ongoing basis.
  • Recycle: Always recycle when you can, rather than tossing things in the trash
  • Rot: Make composting a priority so that you are not adding compostable items to the landfill. This is a step that your garden will truly appreciate.


As a general rule, anything that you do for the benefit of the natural environment will also benefit your saving account. As such, efforts to become more environmentally conscious will invariably save you money. There are many things that consumers can do to reduce their impact on the environment. As the above-mentioned tips reveal, environmentally friendly living habits are easy to implement. You just have to make a few small changes in your daily activities.

Learn About EcoBlend Heating Oil Schedule An Oil Delivery: (631) 667-3200

Call Hart Home Comfort For All Of Your Home Heating Requirements

hart-logoHart Home Comfort offers high-quality heating and cooling services in the area. We have professionally certified technicians who can conduct excellent HVAC services, including boiler repair, furnace maintenance, HVAC installation, and more. Each of our expert technicians has the extensive knowledge and experience needed to correctly and promptly service your HVAC system.

When you need heating system repair or replacement, you can feel confident that you are in good hands with Hart Home Comfort. We offer one of the affordable HVAC services in the area. Need a replacement system? No worries. We can help you find the make and model most suitable for your needs while keeping your budget in mind. Your home comfort, efficiency, and indoor air quality are our priority. Book an appointment, and give us a call today for a free, in-home consultation.

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For any questions about what Hart Home Comfort can do for you, give us a call today. Click here to contact us now or call us at (631) 667-3200 to find out more!