Hart Home Comfort Delivers Environmentally-Friendly Bioheat® Heating Oil
AUTOMATICALLY reduce your carbon footprint with Hart Home Comfort by using our Bioheat® heating oil, a liquid renewable fuel.
Since 2007, Hart Home Comfort Has Eliminated 69,671,279 Pounds Of Carbon From The Environment [1]
Read on to see how we can help reduce your carbon footprint at no added costs!
Since 2007, Hart Home Comfort has been reducing carbon emissions for our customers by delivering an increasingly eco-friendly renewable heating oil fuel that is a blend of biodiesel and heating oil, creating clean-burning, ultra-low-sulfur heating oil, Bioheat® fuel.
UPDATE: As of October 2021, we have started delivering up to a b50 blend to NYC & Nassau County customers and have plans to deliver up to a b50 to Suffolk County in the near future.
Our preliminary goals were to deliver up to a b50 blend by 2030 and we are on track to exceed this goal! At that time, our customers will be heating their homes and businesses with a fuel source that is cleaner and more renewable than both natural gas and electricity![2]
Are you considering a switch from oil to gas, propane, or electric?
re-read the paragraph above and then read this:
Complete the form below to learn more about Bioheat® heating oil solutions:
Cost-Effective & Immediate
“Months of research conducted by Kearney demonstrates that heating oil-biofuel blending provides the most cost-effective and immediate path to reduce fossil energy use and carbon emissions … Our findings show that this strategy is both affordable and easier to implement than electrification for home heating in the Northeast.”
Neal Walters
Partner, Kearney
Little Impact To Consumer
“The transition to higher blends of biodiesel can occur with low costs and little impact on the consumer.”
Sustainable Energy Technology Dept.
Brookhaven National Laboratory
Biofuels Are Critical For Climate Agenda
Michael Regan, President Biden’s nominee to lead the EPA, said, "[President Biden] has not been shy in indicating that biofuels, especially advanced biofuels, will be critical to help meet his ambitious climate agenda. I agree with that. Advanced biofuels will be very important."
Biodiesel & Renewable Energy Articles From Hart Home Comfort
Explaining Bio-Diesel: Alternative Fuel Facts & Data
Biodiesel is one of the few energy sources that utilize recycled cooking oils, plant oils, and animal fats as an alternative fuel. This source of fuel eliminates the need for diesel fuel that derived from petroleum. Moreover, due to its nature, it provides a source of energy security in the future.
Bioheat® Fuel vs. Regular Heating Oil, What You Need To Know
Homeowners who use fuel oil can now choose to utilize an environmentally-friendly heating oil made from a blend of Ultra-low Sulfur Heating Oil (ULSHO) and biodiesel. At Hart Home Comfort, we deliver our version of Bioheat® oil called EcoBlend Bioheat® heating oil to our customers. This way, you can get only the most environmentally-friendly heating oil.
Net Zero Emissions: What You Need To Know
Climate change is a reality that cannot be denied. The effects are plain to see: rising global temperatures, melting polar ice caps, changing weather patterns, an increase in sea level, and heavier downpours. Conscious businesses, Like Hart Home Comfort, are doing their part by delivering EcoBlend to reduce carbon emissions.
Types Of Sustainable Energy Sources For Homes
The U.S. needs to move towards sources of sustainable energy for carbon footprint reduction. One of the ultimate goals is to fuel homes with sustainable energy. This article includes a discussion on a definition of sustainable energy, types of sustainable energy sources, and how Hart Home Comfort can help reduce your carbon footprint.
What Is Bioheat® Fuel?
Bioheat® heating oil is a clean-burning alternative.
It is produced from domestic, renewable resources that are abundant and available in the U.S.
Bioheat® heating oil is biodegradable, non-toxic, and virtually free of sulfur and other impurities.
To ensure a quality product, we use sophisticated blending technology at our onsite New Hyde Park terminal to produce high-quality B20 Bioheat® heating oil.
It is a mix of 20% pure biodiesel (no petroleum) and 80% conventional heating oil.
We do not charge more for Bioheat® heating oil! It's priced the same as regular heating oil. By using Bioheat® heating oil, you'll get up to a 20-cents per gallon New York State tax credit.
Today it's clear that Bioheat® fuel is not only here to stay, but that it will soon become the preferred fuel for heating oil consumers.
A number of states, as well as New York City, have already approved mandates for the use of Bioheat® fuel, and Hart Home Comfort is the exclusive supplier at the New Hyde Park Oil Terminal.
At Hart Home Comfort, "we love to keep you warm and green." We do it through our outstanding full-service capabilities and in so many other ways.
Of course, what sets us apart from other home comfort companies is that we are one of the first on Long Island to deliver Bioheat® fuel to our customers at no extra charge. We are also the only home comfort company on Long Island with storage facilities dedicated to Bioheat® heating oil, and with access to a railway supply system to deliver the renewable, earth-friendly biodiesel that makes up Bioheat® fuel.
Bioheat® Heating Oil FAQs
Why Bioheat® Fuel Is Here To Stay

- Widespread use of Bioheat® fuel could replace millions of gallons of petroleum-based heating oil a year. This can reduce U.S. reliance on imported oil, making us less vulnerable to supply disruptions overseas.
- Bioheat® heating oil is compatible with any heating system that uses regular fuel oil; no new equipment is required!
- Our Bioheat® heating oil burns cleaner than standard No.2 heating oil because it has a much lower sulfur content. This reduces wear and tear on your system. The result: fewer breakdowns, longer equipment life, and better fuel efficiency.
Hart Home Comfort's Bioheat® Heating Oil Customers Get a Tax Break
New York State is offering relief for consumers struggling with high heating oil prices, a maximum 20-cent-per-gallon tax credit for customers who use Bioheat® fuel, a clean-burning "green" fuel that is a blend of high-grade heating oil and renewable resources. Thanks to this credit, our customers can save $200 for every 1,000 gallons of Bioheat® fuel consumed!
The new tax credit remains in effect through 2024.
See how much of a tax credit you qualify for
Tax Credit Calculator
How to File for Your Tax Credit
To properly compute the amount of credit allowed, the taxpayer should have an invoice or bill that includes the following information: date of purchase, number of gallons of the Bioheat® fuel purchased, and the percentage of biodiesel included in the Bioheat® oil. (A B20 blend contains 20% biodiesel.)
To receive a tax credit, you should file a claim for Clean Heating Fuel Credit along with your tax return. Residential taxpayers should file Form IT-241, and corporate taxpayers should file Form CT-241.[3]
Please consult with your accountant or tax professional.
[1] https://www.eia.gov/tools/faqs/faq.php?id=73&t=11
[2] https://projectcarbonfreedom.com/solution/
[3] https://www.tax.ny.gov/pit/credits/clean_heating_fuel_credit.htm
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